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Key Distinctions Between Storm Damage and Flood Damage

7/19/2024 (Permalink)

Building damaged by storm Storm damage in Pflugerville, TX

Storm Damage vs Flood Damage

At first glance, it would seem that flood damage and damage from a storm would be pretty similar. In reality, though, the two have critical differences. A flood usually occurs from the ground up, often the result of rising waters from streams and rivers and typically entering a building in Pflugerville, TX, by way of a the foundation. On the other hand, water from storms more often than not comes down from above through the roof system. Storm damage also includes harm to the building caused by powerful winds, large hail or heavy snows. Either type of damage can be devastating to a company, but the restoration process for each includes important differences.

Flood damage is not typically covered by a company's general insurance policy, while damage from a storm is usually covered. Therefore, a company that is located in an area at risk for flooding should carry flood insurance. The most common and affordable flood insurance is available through the National Flood Insurance Program and has the following features:

  • Covers damages caused by a flood
  • Is administered by FEMA
  • Is voluntary in most circumstances
  • Is purchased through licensed insurance agents
  • Typically has a 30-day waiting period

Damage from a storm is typically covered under a company's general policy. It usually covers damage caused by the storm and expenses for restoration.

A company faced with any type of water damage should consult with a reputable storm mitigation franchise for assistance with restoration. In the case of flood damage, though, the cleanup is complicated with the presence of contaminated water. This dirty water coming into the building could contain chemicals, pathogens, microbes and other potentially dangerous substances. This requires cleanup and restoration by an experienced team of trained technicians that wear PPE and take other safety precautions. The water from a storm coming in through the roof is seldom considered contaminated and can be addressed through a standard restoration process.

Steps to Prevent Mold Problems at Your Facility

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

air scrubber in an empty room, flood cuts performed on drywall. Concept Mold removal Mold removal services in Austin, TX

If you own or manage a business in Austin, TX, you probably take various precautions to ensure a clean and mold-free environment. Mold exists everywhere, but routine carpet cleaning and air quality inspections can prevent the spread of mold spores in your facility.

The Importance of Clean Carpets

Carpets are susceptible to mold because they tend to absorb moisture from:

  • Wet shoes
  • Spills
  • Leaks
  • Humidity

They also accumulate dirt and debris, despite the use of entrance doormats for wiping shoes. Once mold spores form, they actively feed on organic substances comprising or trapped within the carpet's fibers. As the spores multiply, they can spread into the air, necessitating a professional mold remediation company's services. Carpet cleaning can discourage mold formation by removing dirt before it accumulates, and HEPA vacuums can extract spores before they multiply.

Mold in The Air
Most office buildings' air contains some mold, that does not necessarily lead to mold problems; however, significant amounts of mold can develop if condensation builds around plumbing pipes or within an HVAC system. Routine inspections and maintenance, including leak repairs, air filter changes, air duct cleaning and humidity control, can contain the amount of mold in the air. If you experience persistent problems relating to these systems or suspect mold, you may want to schedule a professional air quality inspection.

Invisible Signs of Mold
Although rigorous carpet cleaning and systems maintenance can go a long way toward preventing mold spores from spreading through the air, once you determine that mold exists, it is critical to take action.
Mold can be invisible, but a musty odor and employees with persistent allergy symptoms could indicate mold problems requiring aggressive measures that require your business's temporary closure.
Although many unforeseen circumstances can cause excess moisture that can lead to mold formation, routine cleaning, along with other maintenance efforts, can prevent mold problems or your facility's temporary closure in Austin, TX.

How to Avoid Home Fires Caused by Candles

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Lit candle Candles should always be placed in plain sight and spaced reasonably apart

What sets the mood better than a romantic glow? That said, a wayward candle fire could just as easily ruin a special evening. If such an incident takes hold in your house, you will inevitably need a fire damage cleanup specialist to set things right.

Candle Incident Statistics

You may be shocked to learn some data concerning how often candle fires occur:

  • They account for 2% of all reported home blazes.
  • Every day, there are 21 unique reports of such accidents.
  • 60% of all candle-related incidents occur when unsecured combustible material comes into contact with flames.

In consideration of the above, decreasing the number of mishaps caused by candles remains a worthy objective. Luckily, commonsense measures can curb your odds of requiring smoke cleanup and other restoration procedures.

Candle Fire Prevention
Before setting anything alight, consider a flameless alternative. On top of their inherent safety, electric candles sometimes come with flashy features like remote controls and flicker settings. Should you opt for the real deal, forego the use of matches. Instead, use a long, flexible lighter that gives control over the flame’s size and cools nearly instantaneously.
Always keep wax clean and remove flammable remnants such as dust or hair. Never use a plastic container and toss cracked glass. Using a wick trimmer, bring the string to 1/8th of an inch. Note, too, that when wax gets low it becomes unsafe. Stop burning once your jarred candle reaches a half-inch. Non-jarred candles should be retired after arriving at the two-inch mark.
Candles should always be placed in plain sight and spaced reasonably apart. Only extinguish flames with a snuffer, never water, and use them exclusively in properly ventilated rooms.
Nobody wants their home burned by a candle fire, but observation of best practices can help prevent disaster. Simple due diligence can stop your residence from suffering the fate of so many others.

This Is the Smoke Alarm You Need

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

vector fire smoke carbon monoxide detector alarm Dual sensor smoke detector.

How To Choose The Right Smoke Detector

You probably think that simply installing any smoke alarm in your home is enough. However, there are several options to choose from. Read on to find out how to choose the right smoke detector for your particular residence.

1. Consider the Size of Your Home
A bigger home will need more units. When purchasing, consider:

  • Number of rooms
  • Square feet
  • Sleeping location
  • Special needs

You need to put a smoke alarm in each room, as well as the hallways leading to bedrooms. Also factor in attics, basements, and both ends of staircases. Essentially, make sure you'll be able to hear the alarm at any time of the day.

2. Choose a Type
If you have a larger residence, you should look into devices that can be wired along with the same network.

  • Ionization
  • Photoelectric
  • Dual-sensor
  • Air-sampling
  • CO2 combo

There may be regulations in Pflugerville, TX, so make sure to check before installing. Often, these regulations can require hard-wired devices. If this is the case, you have to have them installed by local fire prevention and remediation specialists.

3. Make Sure It Works
This may seem obvious, but you need to test your smoke detectors. Think about fire safety. You may only have 2 minutes to evacuate. Does your alarm do its job in time? Check if batteries need to be replaced. If your system is hard-wired, it may also have backup batteries. Make sure these are in working condition. Keep in mind that placement should also be conducive to monthly testing. If you can't reach the alarm or don't have a ladder, reconsider placement. You should also keep units free of dust and grime that may inhibit usefulness.
Further, look for the circle logo on your units or their packaging. There should be a "UL" denoting that they have been tested and certified by Underwriters Laboratories. This is the most common certification, but there are others. Always do a quick internet search to verify your alarm's standard testing.
If you pick the right smoke alarm and test it monthly, you are doing the best that you can for fire prevention. Practice how to turn off the alarm without dismantling it from the wall or ceiling. Stay safe.

How To Protect Your Home From Lightning

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Drywall burned, ceiling burned, fire damage to the interior of a home Fire damage to a home in Austin, TX.

What happens when lightning strikes a home in Austin, TX? About 6,300 homes are struck each year without a resulting house fire. However, an additional 4,300 strikes each cause a residential lightning fire. Learn how to keep yourself and your home safe during this unpredictable, menacing weather event.

How Do I Protect Myself During a Storm?

When the weather turns bad outside, it is tempting to go about your normal business inside of the house. When you hear thunder, however, there are steps you should take to protect yourself and reduce the risk of lightning fire:

  • Stay inside of your home, away from windows and doors. A good rule of thumb is to wait 30 minutes after you hear the last of the thunder to resume normal activities.
  • If lightning strikes your home, it could cause a power surge. As a precaution, keep your distance from televisions, computers and other electrical devices. Do not take baths or showers, wash dishes or do laundry. Cellular phones are safe to use.

What Actions Do I Take If My House Is Hit?

If your house is struck, you will hear and feel a powerful boom. If you suspect the bolt has made contact with your home, take the following steps:

  • Quickly check the health and safety of all family members and pets.
  • Leave your home immediately if there is fire or smoke.
  • Call 911 and report it, regardless of whether you see a fire. The fire department can determine if your home is safe.
  • Contact your homeowner’s insurance agent, as damage is likely covered under your policy.
  • Call a fire restoration specialist to assess your home. Even if a large house fire did not occur, there may be hidden damage in your roof or attic that could lead to further troubles down the road if not repaired promptly.

A lightning fire in Austin, TX, is a rare, but possible occurrence. By taking proper precautions during a storm and following correct procedures after a strike, you can keep your family safe and minimize the damage to your home.

Do Not Let Black Water Ruin Your Day!

4/17/2024 (Permalink)

Flood water affected this Pflugerville home This flooded room was caused by a severe rain storm in Pflugerville, Texas. This picture shows standing water on a wood floor

When home or business property in Pflugerville, Texas is flooded, it may have negative impacts on you.  Flood water can damage equipment, furniture, files and merchandise.  When hurricanes and heavy storms occur, flooding becomes an even bigger concern because the water typically causes sewer backups, which leads to bacteria-filled black water. Call SERVPROof Pflugerville when flood water damages your home or business.

Are there Different Types of Contaminated Water?

Experts classify water into three-categories to describe the level of contaminants in different types of water. The first category is “clean water,” which comes from a fresh supply line, such as a sprinkler system or sink faucet. The second category is “gray water,” which comes from sources like washing machine drains. This water is dirty but not highly toxic. “Black water” is the third and most dangerous category. Flood water, sewage and drain backups, and toilet overflows fall into this category because the contaminants in these waters are so toxic.

When your home or business property is affected by sewage water, it contaminates the air, floor and everything it touches. If not properly sanitized, unsafe water can continue to be harmful to people. Whether it is your home, retail property, manufacturing facility or warehouse, it can put people’s health at risk.  Safety concerns can cause a business to have to close its doors, which only results in further loss.

What Can Be Done About Harmful Flood Water?

If you find yourself dealing with water damage, act quickly and call SERVPRO of Pflugerville.  We are available 24-hours a day and will assess the damage, extract the water safely, remove contaminated articles, and sanitize the area according to IICRC standards for safety.

SERVPRO of Pflugerville  should be your first choice for any residential or commercial water damage.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, and respond quickly to restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Pflugerville is available 24/7 by calling 512-990-4776

How To Use a Fire Extinguisher

2/13/2024 (Permalink)

Hands holding a fire extinguisher. Take time now to prepare for the unexpected.

As a homeowner in Austin, TX, you should prioritize safety, for both your family and your property. That includes preparing ahead of time for a home fire. While you consider evaluation routes and emergency contacts, it's also beneficial to supply your home with a fire extinguisher as the first line of defense. The red canisters may seem a bit intimidating, but they are designed to help residents. Here are a few tips for wielding one with better care.

1. Pick Appropriate Locations
You want to have extinguishers near areas likely to have a fire; therefore, consider purchasing one for the kitchen and garage. These locations often have several appliances or electrical equipment capable of exposing the house to fire damage. Is your place two stories? If so, put one upstairs in a spot that is easy to access; furthermore, make other family members aware of where they are, and teach them how to use them.

2. Review Procedures
Don't expect to know how to handle these containers. Practice with them. Pick them up and examine the parts. You want to know if they will be able to physically use the device. If it's too heavy consider investing in smaller units. Next, go over the steps for using a fire extinguisher. A popular phrase is P.A.S.S.: pull the pin, aim low, squeeze the handle, and sweep from side to side. As you release the agent, you want to stay as close to the base of the flame as possible. This could help eliminate the flames.

3. Call for Help
Once you've suppressed the blaze, call in a fire restoration company to inspect the premises. The workers can test the area to determine the extent of the problem and recommend recovery services. Whether it's a kitchen fire or lightning strike, they can offer assistance in repairs as well as how to salvage ruined materials. In fact, they have special equipment to remove smoky aromas and remove soot from walls and ceilings.

Take time now to prepare for the unexpected. Purchase safety equipment, and learn how to use a fire extinguisher. It could save your property.

4 Ways to Prepare Your Business for a Winter Storm

1/3/2024 (Permalink)

Stormy skies and a SERVPRO logo. If your building is damaged during a winter storm, then a cleanup and repair company can help.

When you are expecting severe weather in Austin, TX, you should take steps to be prepared. A winter storm can cause a lot of damage to your building, so use the following tips to minimize its effect on your business.

1. Stay Informed
One of the most important things you can do to prevent storm damage is to keep updated with any new information. The weather can be unpredictable and may sometimes change quickly. Watch the news to identify any changes in the situation so you can alter your plans if necessary.

2. Keep the Building Warm
During a storm, the temperature may drop. If it gets too low, you could end up with frozen pipes which could cause a pipe break. Water may flood your building and cause damage to its structure as well as the items inside. In order to prevent this, make sure to keep the heat on even after you leave the building. You may want to insulate any exposed pipes and leave doors open to allow heat to circulate as well.

3. Check Doors and Windows
The areas around doors and windows often deteriorate more quickly than other places in the building. If these are not in good shape, they won’t be able to keep out moisture properly. Make sure that all windows and doors are sealing and well-insulated.

4. Inspect the Exterior
During a winter storm, damage to the exterior of the building can become worse. Cracks in the walls can let water in and can contribute to the growth of mold. Loose roof tiles can be blown off and leave areas exposed. Check everything carefully and have repairs done if necessary.

If your building is damaged during a winter storm, then a cleanup and repair company can help. They can remove any water that has entered the building, perform mitigation and make repairs. If any belongings have been damaged, they can salvage many of these as well.

4 Causes of Crawl Space Flooding in Your Home

11/3/2023 (Permalink)

Busted pipe. If a pipe cracks or bursts in your home, the water will ultimately flow into the lowest space in your house.

A wet crawl space may seem like a minor issue. However, if left untreated, it could lead to mold growth in your Austin, TX, home. A persistent flow of water in the crawl space could also spread to the main part of your house.
That is why you should regularly check this part of your home for signs of excess water. You should also take steps to prevent these common causes of crawl space flooding.

Downspout Problems

A downspout aimed too close to your home can cause water buildup in your crawl space. Point your downspout away from the foundation of your home and add a splash block to guide the water away from your property.

Over-Watered Flower Beds

You may not think of your flower bed as a potential cause of a wet crawl space. But overwatering of your plants does not only cause them to die. It can also lead to a flood in your home. To prevent this problem, put base layers into your flowerbeds to catch excess water.

Poor Slope Grading

If the landscape outside your home is not sloped properly, water will flow back into the crawl space. The slope should be six to eight inches away from the walls of the foundation. Winter snow and ice can change the sloping, so be sure to check the grading each spring.

Broken Water Lines

If a pipe cracks or bursts in your home, the water will ultimately flow into the lowest space in your house. Keep your eye out for any obvious puddles or wet areas on your property, as these may point you to the location of the ruptured pipe.
If you can't find the leaky pipe or the cause of your wet crawl space, emergency restoration professionals can help. They will not only locate and stop the source of the water, but they can also clean and dry any damaged items or structures.

Mold’s 6 Most Common Hidden Locations in Commercial Buildings

10/6/2023 (Permalink)

Drywall removal, mold growth found behind drywall. Mold cleanup and removal in Pflugerville, TX.

Mold's Most Common Hidden Locations

Mold requires water and food to thrive. Food can be as easy as dust particles or skin cells which are found almost everywhere in most commercial buildings. That means the unpredictable element in mold growth is obtaining a water source. Although high humidity can allow for colony reproduction, most often the source of mold’s life-beginning liquid is a result of water damage. Here are six of mold’s most common hidden locations in commercial buildings in Pflugerville, TX.

1. Ductwork often contains moisture during summer’s cooling season. When the duct lining materials collect moisture, mold can quickly form.

2. Carpet has a smorgasbord of food sources for hungry molds. Food crumbs, skin cells, and dirt can easily combine with moisture inside the carpet fibers. When the liquid reaches the pad, the carpet can stay wet for a long time, and that often means a long life for mold.

3. Electrical equipment in basements or closets provides warm air for mold to thrive in. If water from a leaky pipe or humid air appears near electrical equipment, mold growth can appear in as little as 48 hours.

4. Ceiling tiles love to absorb water and feed mold. Since mechanical piping and sprinkler systems are typically suspended above ceiling tiles, when the tubes develop even a very small leak, mold can appear.

5. Paper is a favorite mold meal. Whether documents are stored in a basement or inside a dark closet, if the paper gets wet, mold often follows.

6. Appliance drain pans can hide mold. When appliances collect condensation or defrosting water in the drain pans, mold can quickly develop. If the drip is constant, the colonies can thrive and send out spores to other parts of the building.

Mold can often be hidden in these six secluded spots, but building managers understand when conditions are right the spores can spring up anywhere. For that reason, a good preventative program begins with trained personnel looking for signs of water damage. By identifying the conditions supporting mold growth, the need to call a professional remediation team is often eliminated.